The star is then said to have suggested a 'reverse massage', which is believed to mean that he wanted the masseur to lie on the table while the actor gave the man a full body rub. Mr Travolta, who has been married to Kelly Preston for 21 years, is then said to have responded that 'we must have got our signals crossed', before adding: 'Come on dude, I'll jerk you off.' The claim filed in court claims that Mr Travolta stripped naked - and appeared aroused - before being massaged while at the same time trying to remove the towel covering his bottom.Īfter the hour's session was over, the 58-year-old star is then alleged to have touched the man's scrotum and penis.īut the masseur insists he pulled away and claims he then informed the actor that he was a professional masseur and not a prostitute.
The married actor, who has repeatedly denied being gay in the past, is said to have touched the unnamed therapist's genitals during a $200-per-hour massage appointment, the lawsuit claims. John Travolta is being sued over accusations that he tried to have sex with a male a masseur during a therapy session at the luxury Beverly Hills Hotel. Lawsuit: John Travolta, pictured with wife Kelly Preston, is facing accusations of inappropriate sexual behaviour towards a male massage therapist